To top it all off I came down with some sort of bug, and it being January and all, it's the perfect time for variations on chicken soup.
I drew on this post from the Kitchn for inspiration and added a few other goodies, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's a little on the light side for dinner, but served with the right side dish could make for a good staple.
Ingredients (per serving):
2 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup precooked chicken meat
1 egg, whisked
Crushed fresh ginger to taste
Handful of salad greens
Handful of salad greens
Fresh squeezed lemon juice to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Soy sauce to taste
Hot sauce to taste
Green onions (not for low-FODMAP diets)
1. Heat up chicken broth and chicken meat. Add ginger, salt and pepper, salad greens if you're using them, and stir. Bring to a boil and turn off burner.
2. Stir in whisked egg.
3. Add lemon juice, soy sauce, hot sauce, and anything else your heart desires and your gut can tolerate.
4. Serve and eat fast.
Prep time: 10 min.
Servings: 1
Agony rating: 2/10.
Taste and stuff: 8/10. Bonus points for being super healthy and warming!
Agony rating: 2/10.
Taste and stuff: 8/10. Bonus points for being super healthy and warming!
It's hard to parse out the cost of the ingredients, but I'll approximate this was $2 worth of chicken and stock, $0.70 per egg, and $0.50 for little dribs and drabs of everything else - or $3.20 per serving. A little more expensive than I'd thought, but it's mostly about the chicken.
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